Outgrowing the Good Christian Girl
Outgrowing the Good Christian Girl
2.15: Deconstructing while married: What's it like? ♥️
What's it like being married when one person is deconstructing and one person isn't? Today James and I both share the hardest parts of this deconstruction journey, how it's affected our marriage and what we’ve learned along the way. Welcome back to the "Outgrowing the Good Christian Girl" podcast! We hope you enjoy this final episode of the season. XOXO, Tiffany
Q1: What did James initially think about deconstruction? (@0:44)
Q2: Was James ever afraid that Tiffany might leave the faith? (@1:35)
Q3: Looking back, where did your ideas on hot topic issues originate? (@3:00)
Q4. What did James think about the podcast episodes this season? (@3:40)
Q5: Was our takeaway different than was intended when we were growing up in church? (@5:43)
Q6: What was the hardest part of deconstruction for Tiffany? How has our approach to Bible reading changed? (@7:18)
Q7: Did deconstruction conversations ever feel divisive or like a personal attack to James? (@12:50)
Q8: Does James still have catastrophic worries about Tiffany ending up in spiritual la la land? Why or why not? (@16:50)
Q9: Why is deconstruction sometimes seen as black and white with only one possible ending? What is the fruit of our journey saying? (@17:50)
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