Outgrowing the Good Christian Girl
Outgrowing the Good Christian Girl
3.1: Are we worshiping the Bible?, ft Rev. Immanuel van Tonder
Today we're talking with Rev. Immanuel van Tonder, deconstructing our approach to the Bible. What if taking it literally is just as unhelpful as constantly picking every detail apart? How do we determine which parts apply today and which parts we have to look deeper? What is OUR intent as we approach Scripture, and how does that change what we TAKE AWAY from it?
I LOVED this interview and can't wait to share it with you. Welcome back to "Outgrowing the Good Christian Girl"!
XOXO, Tiffany
Q1: What does deconstruction mean to you? (@4:53)
Q2: A lot of us have been trained to be very guarded. How do we cultivate this openness of spirit? (@15:12)
Q3: What do you believe the Bible's intent is? (@19:44)
Q4: How do you decide what you believe on controversial issues like LGBTQ+, when some people biblically argue one way and some people biblically argue another way? (@27:51)
Q5: I believe you often say the Bible is descriptive rather than prescriptive. Will you tell us more about that? (@31:55)
Q6: How do you discern what the value is beneath the specific rule, and when the rule vs. value applies today? (@37:11)
Q7: What do inerrancy and infallibility mean to you, when it comes to Scripture? (@45:09)
Q8: How would you describe the purpose of the Bible and how you see that? (@48:25)
Q9: What are some unhealthy but common ideas you see people having about the Bible? (@53:00)
Q10: What advice and resources would you recommend for people who want to explore how we understand the Bible? (@58:49)
Q11: Part of deconstruction is asking, "What do I take with me, and what do I leave behind?" Do you have any examples of this in your own life? (@1:02:00)
(These are the books we talked about in the episode!)
⭐️"The Bible" by Karen Armstrong
⭐️Lectio Divina approach to reading Scripture
⭐️Richard Rohr's books:
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