Outgrowing the Good Christian Girl
Outgrowing the Good Christian Girl
3.15: What Devotions Could Be (ft. Lisa Colón DeLay)
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Today we're talking with Lisa Colón DeLay about rethinking devotions and how we connect with God. How can we refresh our hearts when doing the same old “devotional routine” feels like a burden instead of life-giving? What other ways can we connect with God through spiritual practices from different cultures and times?
I LOVED this interview and can't wait to share it with you. Welcome back to "Outgrowing the Good Christian Girl"! XOXO, Tiffany
Q1: What does deconstruction mean to you? (@5:17)
Q2: For me deconstruction has had a lot to do with how I understand Scripture and its intent. How do you understand biblical intent and how has that evolved on your journey? (@7:50)
Q3: Many of us have grown up with a very disciplined approach to daily devotions as THE way to connect with God. What do you think devotions are expected to look like? And what are the fruits (good and/or bad) of that approach? (@13:40)
Q4: When I was growing up, Bible reading and prayer were the primary way of connecting with God. And those are great ways to grow in faith. But what do you think would be a more holistic approach for our spiritual health? How might our personality types play into the ways we connect with God? (@19:10)
Q5: There was a point in my life where Bible reading began to feel like such a stressful burden, that I just stopped reading it for awhile. But at the same time, I still believed the Bible was so important! What are your thoughts on all this? (@22:10)
Q6: What does it mean to you to take care of your soul and study the Bible? How does this play out in your life? (@27:28)
Q7: In your book “The Wild Land Within,” you talk about different spiritual practices from different cultures and different times. Would you share a few of these practices that might be helpful, especially for those of us whose devotions might be feeling stale right now? (@32:55)
Q8: On the other extreme, it can be tempting to not care for our souls at all. Why is that a dangerous extreme? Why is soul care so important? (@43:40)
Q9: If we’re feeling a lot of guilt over missed “devotions,” what does that guilt do to our souls? (@48:02)
Q10: Let’s go to a bird’s eye view again. Part of deconstruction is deciding what you are taking forward with you, and what you are leaving behind. Do you have any examples of this in your own life that you’d feel comfortable sharing? (@52:50)
Q11: You have a ton of resources for people who are looking for holistic and healing ways to connect with God. Can you share those resources with us? (@56:20)
⭐️“The Wild Land Within” by Lisa: https://a.co/d/icVaJRk
⭐️The “Spark My Muse” Podcast: https://lisadelay.com/blog/
⭐️Lisa’s website: https://lisadelay.com/blog/about/
⭐️IG: @lisacolondelay
⭐️My interview on Lisa’s podcast: https://lisadelay.com/blog/eps-228-guest-tiffany-dawn-on-leaving-her-tiny-christian-bubble/
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